Mobile Suit Gundam MC (Mythical Century) (Fan-Fiction)

Mobile Suit Gundam Mythical Century (MC) is a fan-fiction story about the mythical battle between the Holy and Darkness Mobile Suit machines. It is span within a 1,000 year timeline and were set way before the humans were born.

God Mobile Suit

God Mobile Suit units were legendary machines that takes on the god-like form and possess the purest power and the ability of creating new units.

List of units featured in God Mobile Suit (click on the unit to view more info and history)

  • GMS-01 God of Creation
  • GMS-01A Unicorn of Creation I
  • GMS-01B Unicorn of Creation II

Holy Mobile Suit

Holy Mobile Suit units were machines that takes on the holy-like form and possess pure powers and unique abilities of each individual units.

List of units featured in Holy Mobile Suit (Click on the unit to view more info and history)

Darkness Mobile Suit

Darkness Mobile Suit units were machines that takes on the dark-like form and possess dark powers and unique abilities of each individual units.

List of units featured in Darkness Mobile Suit (Click on the unit to view more info)
Mythical Century (MC) Timeline

The following timeline consist of the events that had taken place.
Note: More details will be updated over time as soon as new units were added. Subjected to change without notice.

MC0000 to MC0100
MC0000: God of Creation descended upon Earth 
MC0003: Detected the spirit of darkness lingering around Earth.
MC0011: Unicorn of Creation I was born.
MC0026: Unicorn of Creation II was born.
MC0040: 100 years of combat training for both Unicorn of Creation I & II started.
MC0086: Unicorn of Creation I successfully suppressed the spirit of darkness.
MC0092: Unicorn of Creation II successfully suppressed the spirit of darkness with heavy damage.
MC0100: God of Creation ascended upon heaven.

MC0101 to MC0200
MC0123: Unicorn of Creation II stumbled upon a mysterious scroll of mediation.
MC0140: Both Unicorn of Creation I & II completed combat training successfully.
MC0160: Unicorn of Creation I craves for more power.
MC0165: Both Unicorn of Creation I & II went on to forge their own paths of destiny.
MC0170: Unicorn of Creation I was defeated and engulfed by a stronger spirit of darkness.
MC0172: Unicorn of Creation II mediates for another 100 years to study the mysterious scroll.
MC0197: Cube of Life began appearing throughout Earth.

MC0201 to MC0300
MC0224: Holy Knight Stein was born.
MC0263: Dark Mage was born.
MC0272: Unicorn of Creation II successfully evolved into Holy Unicorn Emperor.

MC0301 to MC0400
MC0348: Holy Wing Zero was born.

MC0401 to MC0500
MC0424: Battle between Holy Knight Stein and Dark Mage.
MC0425: Dark Mage defeated and escaped with heavy damage.

MC0501 to MC0600
MC0541: Holy ReZEL Guard was born.
MC0579: Battle between Holy Wing Zero and ???.
MC0580: Holy Wing Zero was defeated. Holy ReZEL Guard came to aid and brought the damaged machine to Holy Unicorn Emperor who attempts to resurrect him.
MC0585: Holy Wing Zero successfully resurrected into Holy Angel Knight.
MC0596: Dark Mage successfully evolved into Dark Arch Mage.

MC0601 to MC0700
MC0626: Battle between Holy Angel Knight and ???.
MC0627: ??? was defeated and died.
MC0658: Holy Fighter was born.

MC0701 to MC0800
MC0706: Holy Strike Booster created by Holy Unicorn Emperor to aid Holy Fighter.
MC0718: Battle between Holy Fighter and ???.
MC0719: Holy Fighter was defeated and Holy Strike Booster came to his aid, hence becoming Holy Strike Fighter.
MC0720: ??? was defeated and escaped.

MC0801 to MC0900
MC0830: Holy Star Booster found and captured by Holy Unicorn Emperor.
MC0832: Battle between Holy Knight Stein and Dark Arch Mage.
MC0833: Holy Knight Stein was defeated and badly damaged but was able to escape.
MC0834: Holy Knight Stein attempts to equip the Holy Star Booster but instead he was overwhelmed by the power that he could not control and disappeared with it.
MC0856: Battle between Holy Strike Fighter and ???.
MC0857: Holy Strike Fighter was defeated and Holy Strike Booster was destroyed. But the Holy Star Booster came to his aid, hence becoming Holy Star Fighter.
MC0858: ??? was defeated and died.

MC0901 to MC1000
MC0981: Battle between Holy Unicorn Emperor and Dark Unicorn Emperor.

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